Monday, March 2, 2009

Blizzard of 2009

We survived the Blizzard of 2009! Ok, well maybe it wasn't a blizzard, but it was enough to shut down roads, bridges, and every church in North Alabama! We got maybe 1/2 an inch of snow, which is a lot less than everyone to our north, south, east, and west had, so maybe Sand Mountain is the only place affected by global warming. Our extent of playing in the snow involved some snowballs at the chicken houses. Unfortunately we didn't know there was gravel also mixed in the snowballs (ouch!).

Poor Daffodils!

White out conditions!

Glad I'm not out there!


  1. Well, I'm glad to see that ya'll and all of your critters survived the "blizzard"! HA!

    What would we do with TWO inches of snow????? EEEEEEKKKKKK!


  2. welcome to the blog world. keep up the good work. i try and blog every couple weeks. maybe i'll update my blog tonight it been more then a month. I'll put you in my favorites so i can read your blog. Gordo(big-m)

  3. Glad you enjoyed the snow! BTW got your addy from thats racin.
