
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fair Week!

Last week was the Blount County Fair, and the Young Farmers always have a booth there. Last Sunday was "setup day". There's a lot of pieces, parts, blood (yes, there was some blood!), sweat, and tears that goes into our booth. We try to fit as much "agriculture" into a 20 foot space as possible!

These pictures are kind of dark because the Agri-business Center was too cheap to turn on the lights!

Here's the inside of our completed booth...

and our completed barn. We have photos hanging inside the barn of Blount Co. farmers and their farms.

Here's the entire booth!

Some idiot (me) can't take a decent picture, but our booth placed 2nd!

The Cattlemen's Association won 1st. They had a painted barn, we had a real one! Hmph.

Friday night was our turn to work the fair booth.

When we escaped from the booth a few minutes, look who we ran into! It's Clyde, Henry's cousin!

We also visited the petting zoo where I made friends with a llama and two goats!

Do you know how hard it is to get a llama and two goats to pose for a picture??

Saturday night, the Young Farmers held our annual "Pedal Tractor Race".
Look who won! I'm so fast, I'm blurry! Wait a sec...wrong picture.

Okay, so here's the real participants...3-8 year olds!

They compete for prizes like toy tractors, gift certificates, and coloring books.

Hope you enjoyed the Blount County Fair!!


  1. Looke like ya had a good time Steph. Are you being impacted by all the heavy rain down that way or missing it? I'm sure SOME is welcome, but not that much. Stay safe!

  2. I enjoyed it very much. I like fairs. Your booth was nicely done and the real barn trumps a picture of one!

  3. Looks like it was a fun time! Congrats on the booth.

  4. What a great fair! If you come visit, you'll have more photo ops than you'll EVER want! ;) Did that llama spit at you? Sure didn't look like it was very happy!!!
    I liked your barn better! I suppose there's always next year....

  5. Fairs are great..and "your" fair sounded like a good one.

  6. Now that brings back some boys used to compete in pedal tractor pulls. How fun!

  7. That looked like fun, Steph. You're small enough to compete in the pedal tractor races. LOL

    Loved the pics of the booth. And winning 2nd place --- great job. (I didn't like the winner's painted barn, either.)

    Clyde looks to be better behaved than Henry. hehehe

  8. I love county fairs!!! your booth looked great and it looked like ya'll had a great time!! Animals never do what you want them to do when you are trying to take a picture of them!

  9. Looks like you had a great week at the fair!
    Congrats on winning 2nd place. Your booth looked great!

  10. I want to come there! You guys are always having fun!

  11. What fun ... congrats on your win. TY for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend. TTFN~ Marydon

  12. I agree...the real barn trumps a painted one anyday. Cute llama!

  13. that was a fun post to read! looks like it was a blast! you should have gotten first place for sure!
