
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Time in the New House!

It's our first Christmas in the new house, and that means that I finally have room to put out all my decorations!
Here's the front of the house. We have garland with red bows hung on the porch railing and wreaths with red bows hung on the lower windows. I wish we had wreaths on the upper windows, but Lance said something about wanting all of his body parts to remain intact. Our roof is steep!!

Here's the house at night. It's hard to tell in this picture, mainly because it's blurry, and I never did manage to take a decent picture, but there are two lighted spiral trees around the front door, and we have two spotlights on the house to show the garland/wreaths.

This is our living room.

No mantle is complete without shotgun shell lights and snowmen carrying a gun and a fishing rod.

Here's the tree! (I think I blurred the picture again! Argh!)

My tree is decorated with all the traditional type ornaments such as funny signs...

Duck "Hunters"

and Smores! Oh how I love the Smores. I probably have 100 Smores ornaments. These two are my favorite and hang near the top of the tree. That's Lance the farmer on the left, and Stephanie the race car driver on the right.

This wreath hangs on the patio door. I put it together myself a couple of years ago. It has a string of red foil leaves, some pinecones, and some of those nifty flicker flame lights!

Welcome to Millerville! You're looking at downtown Main Street!

Here's an aerial shot of the community at "night".

The town is complete with a wood cutter, train station/train, hunting lodge...

a church, school, theater, hardware store, stables, and a neighborhood of houses!

This is the dining room table.

And here's the centerpiece I put together out of things I found in the yard! The wooden box came from the barn, and there are berries, pinecones, leaves, and pine branches inside.

This is the John Deere/farming tree that stands in the corner of the dining room!

And last, but not penguin tree and collection of penguins that decorate our office!
Hope you enjoyed our Christmas decorations as much as we do!


  1. Congrats on getting settled in. Everything looks beautiful!

  2. Your house is beautiful and all the decorations look great!
    I, of course am partial to the John Deere tree but love them all.

  3. You have a beautiful home! and I love the underwear sign -- too fun!

  4. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful!!! the underwear signis awesome!!! I love your dinning room table is beautiful!!! Thanks for shareing all your pics of your house...I'm so glad you guys are finally in it!!

  5. Steph, everything looks really beautiful. Your home already looks so warm and inviting. Congratulations again on your new home!!

  6. So pretty!

    NE OH

  7. Love your new home and all the decorations.

    I'm a new read of your blog. Merry Christmas!
