
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Tractor Drive Down Memory Lane

(We don't stroll here at Miller Farms, we drive tractors.)
We have been looking through photo albums for some old farming pictures to put in our Young Farmer's booth at the county fair next week. We found a couple of photos of Lance's Uncle Jim when he was young and a few of Lance when he was young, so I thought that I would share!

This is Jim in 1952 with his parents and some yard chickens. They grew cotton and sorghum for molasses. They also had a few head of cattle. Obviously Jim loved farming because he's still doing it today!

This is Jim with his calf. He trained the calf to pull him in the sled that you can see behind them in the picture.

In 1985 Jim had a Gleaner combine and an International grain truck. He was harvesting wheat in this picture.

As you can see, we start our farm hands early around here. This is Lance "driving" the combine in 1985.
This is Jim's 9930 John Deere two row cotton picker in 1988. No one around here had four row cotton pickers until the 90s.

Here's a close up of the picker. If you look closely you can see Lance "driving" again.

This is Lance standing in the cotton wagon in 1988. One person (two if you're lucky) would get in the cotton wagon and walk around to pack and level the cotton out after a picker dumped it's basket in there. When the wagon was full of cotton, you would put a mesh tarp on it and pull it to the cotton gin with a truck. Today, instead of a cotton wagon, we use a module builder.

This is Lance in the cotton field (1988). He still dresses the same today.

Thanks for riding the tractor down memory lane with us!


  1. What wonderful pics! I love to see all the cotton in it's natural state!

  2. those pictures are's so much fun to look at old farming pictures!!
