
Monday, May 25, 2009

Jam Session

Last week, I got 4 gallons of strawberries from a local fruit & vegetable farmer.
**PSA-Please support your local farmers. Many of them are hurting due to the economy, so if you need some fresh fruits and veggies, go visit your local u-pick operations or farmer's market! The produce is much fresher than what's found at the grocery store. If those guys go under, then we really will be getting all of our foods from other countries, and we all know about those salmonella scares!**
Every year, I make Strawberry Freezer Jam, and every year we skimp on eating it because we're afraid we're going to run out! Not that we ever do, but this year I know we won't because we now have a freezer full! Anyways, I thought I would share the recipe!

Mmmm....Try not to eat all of the strawberries before you turn them into jam.

Give the strawberries a good rinse...

And then cut the tops off.

Smash the berries using a potato smasher. If you have any pent up aggression, it works well here.

In a seperate bowl, measure out 2 cups of crushed strawberries and mix with 4 cups of sugar.

Let the mixture stand for 10 minutes. Stir occassionally. Try not to stick your face in it and lap it up like a dog *slurp*.

Stir 1 box of pectin and 3/4ths cup water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil on high heat, and stir for 1 minute.
Pour the pectin into the strawberry mixture and stir until dissolved.Pour into freezer containers.
The jam needs to set on the counter for 24 hours, then you can put them in the freezer. Just stick one in the fridge when you're ready to eat! This stuff is so good! As my grandfather used to say, "It'll make your tongue slap your brains out".


  1. Mmmmmm, that looks so good. The strawberries are just starting to get ripe here. My son just asked for strawberries from the freezer this afternoon. He just ate 2 big bowls with a little sugar and milk added.

  2. Question, Steph ---

    1 box of pectin per 2 cups of berry/sugar mixture?

    BTW, I'm licking the monitor. *slurp*

  3. That looks SOOOOO good!!! I started making my jams this weekend too. First batch - 9 half-pints of strawberry jam/jelly. :)

  4. TRL-yep, 1 box of pectin (with the 3/4 cup water) added to the 2 cups of berries and 4 cups of sugar!

  5. OMG-I am DROOLING just looking at those berries.
