
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

In celebration of Easter, heres a pic of our new baby chicks!

Sorry about the crappy quality, its hard to take pictures in a chicken house!

Look out Martha Stewart, I've been baking!

These are my questionably artistically decorated homemade sugar cookies!

Milk Chocolate Cheesecake...mmmmm.

Family Photo!

Lance, Me, my Mom, my Grandmother, my Dad

Wow, thats a lot of food!

Not for this group of vultures family!

Hey, look who it is!

It's fellow blogger, fellow Nascar fanatic, and fellow family member Robin!

Check out her way cool blog at

Anyways...Happy Easter from the Millers!


  1. Happy Easter to ya'll too. The cookies look great and the chicks are so cute!

  2. You beat me to it! My "food photo" looks EXACTLY like yours...I wonder why? LOL! I can vouch that the chocolate cheesecake was DELICIOUS! I wish I had another slice right now...why don't you run me down a piece? It shouldn't take you but an hour-and-a-half or two to get it to me! :o)
    I had a great time yesterday!!


    Robin :o)

  3. Looks like you guys had a fun family day.
