
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Housewarming and House Tour Part One!

This past Saturday, Lance and I had our housewarming party!
Thanks to my mom and grandmother, we had a ridiculous amount of food!
If I counted right, I believe there were about 50 people who attended.
Looks like every one had a good time!
Even the dogs!
Well, almost everyone. This little chicken I brought to the party didn't make it out alive.

Anyways...because we had our housewarming over the weekend, I thought it would be a good time to start sharing some pictures from around our house! Most of yall have watched our house being built on my blog and would probably like to know what's inside it!
I thought for the first part of the tour, we'd start with the bedrooms!

This is our master bedroom. Our bedroom suit is white cedar log furniture from Rocky Top Log Furniture in Kentucky. I love that stuff! If I could afford it, I would put it all over the house! The lamps on both sides of our bed have signs on them that say "Camping $.50", "Trout Pond -->", "No Hunting", and different things like that. The sign above our bed says "Don't wake the bear. He's grouchy". We also have a sign that points to the bathroom that says "Lodge".

This is our dresser. It is on the same wall as the bathroom.

The tv stand is at the foot of our bed, and we have a chest of drawers. As you can see, we have two entrances into our bedroom. The one on the left leads to the living room, and the one on the right goes down the hall to the other bedrooms. The only thing that we haven't moved in yet is Lance's gun cabinet, and it will be going in that empty corner.

Sorry about the darkness! This is the first day of the year that the sun decided to shine outside and screw my pictures up! Thats a picture of the french doors that lead out to the porch. There is a sign on the left side of the door that says "Moose Lake Lodge", and a sign on the right side that says "Welcome to the Nut House".

This wall of our bedroom has 4 windows that look out onto our patio. We have a loveseat and a couple of plants on that wall.

The Guest Bedroom
This is our guest bedroom. It has it's own bathroom and is right off the kitchen/garage. It is decorated in John Deere. You can't see it in these pictures, but there is a John Deere border around the top of the wall.
This is the closet/dresser to the right side of the bed.
The tv stand at the foot of the bed.
These are the shelves full of John Deere tractors next to the door.
Bet you can't guess who helped me decorate all of this! I think I'm going to make Lance dust.

This is one of our spare bedrooms.
I suppose it will eventually become a kid's bedroom, but for now, it's another guest bedroom.
This is the walk in closet and an antique Singer sewing machine.

Here's the dresser and a tv stand. Unfortunately, we ran out of tvs, so that spot will be empty for a while! This is the bedroom suit that Lance used when he was a kid, and also the one his dad used when he was growing up!

Spare Bedroom #2
Well, as you can see, there's not much here. It also has a walk in closet like the other one. It will probably be a kids room too, one of these days. We just ran out of bedroom suits, and quite frankly, we don't really need another guest bedroom at the moment!
Hope you enjoyed the tour of the bedrooms in my house! Stay tuned for the rest of the house!


  1. Love all of the pics - your house is GORGEOUS !! And is that Chelsea , Robin and Marty's daughter in one of those pics?? I know Robin TOO !!! Small world !

  2. Your new home is beautiful! Sounds like a wonderful party and great turn out. Looking forward to Part 2.

  3. KIM, I can't believe you recognized Chelsea in that picture! Stephanie is my niece (Marty's sister's daughter)! Jameson is the "blur" in the picture above!

    Steph, the house was gorgeous and the food was delicious! My only regret was that I didn't take a huge doggy bag home. I have a "thing" for finger!

    I don't guess I need to post all of the pictures I took now since our pictures look almost!


    Robin :o)

  4. Wow our tastes must be so alike. Our bedroom is done in a log cabin theme and our downstairs is a combp of western/lodge.
    Plus I collect John Deere items and I LOVE that bright yellow room that you have.
    I bet you both are so happy to be in your new home.

  5. Yesterday, I was going through some modern designs on Bedroom Furniture.and I found amazing collection.

  6. Steph, your home is charming. I'm glad to finally get to see a little of the inside;I like the outside very much! I'll bet you're glad to have so much accomplished. Do it while you're young!

  7. Hey, I'm one of Robin cousin's and friends you were featured on her blog so I wanted to see more!! Very thing looks great! Susan

  8. Came over from Robin's blog. I'm an Alabama gal too! I mostly came by because I'm nosy & love looking in other people's homes (no I haven't been arrested)...and of course because your house is amazing! Very pretty =0) I decided to join your followers. Your humor with Henry & the peacocks almost made me shoot Dr. Pepper from my nose, ha! So funny!

  9. good job! it looks awesome! aren't so you proud of what you and your husband accomplished? glad you had so many to share your joy with...looking forward in part2~

  10. VERY nice Steph-I LOVE the log furniture or anything country looking. I'd love to have a log cabin down south where it's warmer. Since Mom died on Jan. 3 there's really nothing keeping us up here in frigid Ohio any more-kids can move too. You and Lance should be very proud of your house. I hope Henry behaved himself. ((HUGS))

  11. Steph ~ Doing a lot of catching up! Your home is beautiful, love the furniture. What a nice house warming gathering for you. You must be thrilled .....

    Please check your settings to follow me on new blog,

    Have a wonderful week.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  12. Hey girl your house looks great and the food looked soo yummy!!!!! I can't wait to see more pics of the finished product! I keep thinking that one of these day's Caleb is gonna finish the trim in our house so I can post some pics of our finished house, but it looks like it's gonna be a while! :(
    Hope all is well down there

  13. Steph, your home is absolutely beautiful! You should be very proud of the job you and Lance have done with the colors/decorations. Even though it's brand new, it's got that homey, lived-in feel that makes a house a home. I hope you two enjoy your home and each other for a great many years to come!
