
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Henry vs. The Peacocks

Before I begin the story, if you don't know who Henry is, or have missed any of his past adventures, please click here.

The Opponents:
Name: Henry
Hometown: Rockford, IL
Height: 1 foot
Weight: Less than 1 lb.
Occupation: Sock Monkey
Hobbies: Camping, Building Houses, Mowing the Grass

The Peacocks
Names: Johnny Cash, June, and June
Hometown: Neighbor's Yard
Height: Few feet
Weight: Big enough to eat at Thanksgiving
Occupation: Neighborhood Pest
Hobbies: Pooping on Lance and Stephanie's porch, Squawking until Lance runs out of the shower wearing only a bath towel and carrying a handgun.

Uh oh Henry! Here they come!

They're getting closer!

Looks like they're plotting the attack. Important things like, which window to stare in, who poops where, and if they want to fly on the roof.

Get 'em Henry!

Henry's first line of defense: Swiffer them.

Sorry Henry.

Swiffers may be tough on dust, but the peacocks seem to have ignored it. This one's trying to spot Lance in that bath towel again.

That's it Henry! Blast 'em outta here! Wait a sec...that's a Wii shotgun. Not gonna work again Henry. Drat.

Oh no! You better put that thing down. You don't even have a pistol permit, do you?

Yikes! Do you even know how to use a rifle?

A homemade bomb. Now that's more like it.


Henry only wishes.
In reality, Henry has no thumbs and couldn't even get the lighter to work.

Oh well. The peacocks get to live for another day.
But don't worry, Henry will be waiting for them...


  1. LOL....HYSTERICAL! Now, I want you to VIDEO (edited for nudity, of course) Lance running after them in his bath! I can't believe how big of pests those peacocks are!!!

    Robin :o)

  2. I'll think twice before I purchase peacocks. I don't want to offend my neighbors! I am so glad to see Henry! I had no idea he was from so near my home or I'd have invited him over to visit. I love Henry and look forward to his escapades. Thanks so much for letting him have a day in blog. Hope to see more of him. We could all use a Henry.

  3. LMAO, You are to funny. I loved it!

    Hubby had a Mr Henry when we got married (35 years ago), don't remember what happen to him. I need to see about finding him a new one. That way he could also protect our home.

  4. I'm not sure what it says about any of us that we think this is so hysterical...but count me in! What a riot! Best pic- the last one, camo'd, with the knife!!
    Thank you for making my day!

  5. i love HENRY!!!! i have him a gift! when the weather or temp. gets above "2" we may get out for a stroll.... =)

  6. You GO Henry! The minute I saw those dang peacocks I thought to myself, "Henry needs to have a gun!" Lo and behold in the next few frames he did just that!

    Those birds are SO DANG NOISY....really, really, REALLY annoying.


  7. haha....that's one sock monkey you don't want to make mad!!

  8. Cute story! I never really thought of how much nuisances peacocks could be. Hope Henry gets them sooner or later.

  9. Thanks, Steph. Since I lost my mom on Sunday, I was really needing a good laugh or two. Henry is da man, er, uh monkey and I love his adventures. Thanks!! HAPPY NEW YEAR too!!

  10. This was my first visit here and I almost pissed my pants, that was just the funniest post, EVER!
