
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My First Giveaway!

I've been wanting to do a giveaway for a while now, but I never could figure out what I wanted to give away! Y'all have given away a ton of good stuff (sock monkeys, beach bags, cookbooks, etc...), but none of them seem to fit my blog. I was about to giveaway our spare cotton picker (wonder what the shipping on that would've been? haha) when I figured out what I wanted to do! We receieved a magazine when we were at the Commodity Conference a few weeks ago, and it gave a list of Alabama companies that participate in the "Buy Alabama's Best" program. These products are made in Alabama, and they support Alabama agriculture. So, I've decided to buy some of these products and share them with the blogging world!

Chips, cookies, apple butter, syrup, homemade sourdough bread, and a couple drinks to wash it down with! I'm still looking for some other goodies I would like to include, and I may even throw in a surprise or two. You'll even get a few pieces of Alabama grown cotton! Try to contain your excitement!

So, whether you're from Alabama or Alaska, if you want to enter my giveaway, just leave me a comment! You've also gotta be a follower of mine, so if you're not, just click that "follow" button right over there --->, its not hard! I'll make a few exceptions for those of you who I know have been reading my blog for a long time, but haven't "followed" me yet.

I'll even give you an extra entry if you mention me on your blog! Here's a little bloggy button to use if you like!

I'll draw the winner when I get home from the Bristol race, Sunday night, August 23rd, and I'll post the winner by Monday morning!
If I don't have many entries, I might get depressed and have to eat all of these goodies (what a shame!), and all I'll have left to send the winner is empty packages. So spread the word!


  1. Steph, what a unique giveaway. I am going to ask you, should I win, to give this giveaway to a needy family or a food bank, but I'd love a bit of the cotton balls. TTFN ~Marydon

  2. Well ok, Stephanie. My compassion for a sister in 'blog' compels me to take the leap. And the food looks yummy. Are those little 'pecan sandy-like cookies? I like cotton! This sounds like fun. I would hate for you to have to eat all this alone. I need to start thinking of some way to bribe people to follow my blog. I'll be watching you to see how this is done;)

  3. Oh I so want to win!!!!! LOL My MIL was telling me all about the yummy food she go to eat when she visited her brother there. SOOOOOOO, I want to win! LOL I would be happy with a little ball of cotton from your farm so I can show my kids.

  4. Woo Hoo.., Pick me!! I really want those pecan cookies. I follow you on Bloglines, does that count? I hope so.


  5. YUMMO....BUD'S BEST COOKIES!! Just think of all of the shipping you will save if I win!!
    I am so jealous that you are going to Bristol. Have a great time!


    Robin :o)

  6. APPLE BUTTER? Yummy!! Sign me up! Are you going to BRISTOL? Have fun!!

  7. Cool... A giveaway!
    Please don't eat them all.
    Share them with us!
    Enjoy the races!

  8. yummy....I love the idea and would love to have a chance at it!

    Have fun at Bristol...I am soo jealous!! My sister and her husband are gonnan drive out to the race too so I hope it's a good one!!

  9. YUM! This is a great giveaway! I would like to see a list of the "Buy Alabama's Best" It will be interesting to see what is produced here that I didin't even realize! Have a great trip!

  10. Nowhere near you, up by my lonesome here in Mass, but would love to win anyways! I love following farming blogs, even though I'm an urban "farmer" on 1/10th of an acre ;)

  11. What a great idea! I often think about doing a giveaway too but can never think what it should be. I love this idea. Please include me!

  12. Is Canada allowed to join too?
    If so here I am ;-)

  13. Canada can join if Canada follows my blog...:)

  14. I follow! Anyone who tends 133,000 chickens is a hero in my book!! You crack me up!

  15. I was just out blog hopping and I came across your blog. I love finding other farm's so interesting to read about how other folks live. What a great giveaway===I would have commented even if you did not have one going on right now. :) I hope you can stop by my farm for a visit--and leave a comment too so I know you were there!

  16. **Waves Hand Wildly** PICK ME! PICK ME! I won't even send you another broom for Christmas! Heck, I'll even sweep out the hauler for a whole month!! LOL

  17. OK, I am sooo jealous. I have always wanted to go to a race at Bristol. As a consolation prize, you should pick me!

  18. How fun. I started reading your blog a couple of month ago just for fun! I'm also a farmer's wife in Nebraska! But I'm an Alabama girl at heart! I moved to NE about 10 years ago from Hazel Green, AL. This is such a cute giveaway! I miss some of those yummy things that you can't find up here.

  19. Thanks everyone for participating! Giveaway entry is now closed! :)

  20. Yes I do follow...ever since you joined chickens in the road.
    SOmehow I ended up beeing a friend instead of a follower...
    Anyhow I'm a

  21. WE love 100% cotton sheets!!They are so cozy and warm in the winter and cool in the summer. We also love Peanut butter!!!
