
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meet Henry

Just recently, I've had a "foreign" exchange student come to live with me. "Foreign" meaning, from up North! Rockford, Illinois to be exact! Though there's a small language barrier (he doesn't understand "fixin' to", "grits", or "Nascar"), he told me that his name is Henry. Here's Henry when he got off the plane. He looks a bit jet-lagged.
Thanks to a bit of plastic surgery and some southern air, he's looking a bit better now! He looks a bit crooked, and I was afraid of a malpractice suit, but he informed me that he had a radiation accident as a child and had always looked a bit funny. (Phew! I thought he might've heard about my only other surgery, which resulted in the flatlining of some curtains right on my sewing machine table!)
I offered to give him a tour of the farm, and he said "only if I'm driving!"
When the tour stopped at the chicken houses, he was so scared, he wouldn't even look at them!
After the tour, Henry volunteered to help me with some of my office paperwork!
After a long, hard day of farming, he's plumb tuckered out!
Henry came to me (as a pair of socks!) through a contest by Suzanne-At Home with the Farmer's Wife
Suzanne has also just opened at Etsy Shop! Farmer's Wife at Home . Check it out, it's full of hand sewn aprons, wallets, and my favorite, 100% cotton dishcloths!
I also happen to have another very talented follower!
Check out Stephanie at My Superdelicous Life and her Etsy Shop at Sweet Maddie Raes. She has hairbows galore! If you don't have a daughter to put these on, either wear them yourself or kidnap one! (Just kidding, I do not condone kidnapping! Most of the time.)

I bet some of yall are wondering what's going on with the house! The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire going up!
I think it's starting to look like a church!

Ever wonder what farmers do when its 100 degrees outside?? Is anybody noticing a pattern with my pictures of Bo? Does he ever do anything but sleep??


  1. Woo Hoo... Henry!!! That's terrific Steph. And thanks for growing all that cotton so that I can make dishcloths. HA.

    The house is looking wonderful and the pool looks even better. It's so hot here you could fry an egg on the hood of a car. I don't want to try that though.

    You did a great job making that monkey and he gave us a great tour of the farm.

    - Suzanne

  2. Have you introduced Henry to Larry yet??


  3. Hi Henry!

    The house is looking great! Thanks for sharing the Etsy shops.

  4. my cousin had a sock monkey when she was a kid. they have sheets and all sorts of things with that design. the pool looks cool! wish we had one!

  5. Henry is cool!!! I had a sock monkey when I was little.
    Bo better be careful....Henry's star is on the rise. ;)
    My kids are jealous....we wish we had a pool too.
    I left you something over at my blog. I hope you like it.
