
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Winner, Winner, Taco Dip??

Last Thursday night was the Blount County Farmer's Federation Women's Committee Cooking Contest. Lance's Aunt Nell is chairman of the committee, so she always cons asks me to participate. This years theme was appetizers, so I made this:

Layered Taco Dip

2 (10 oz) containers bean dip

1 1/2 tsp garlic salt

1 1/2 tsp hot sauce

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

1 (160z) container sour cream

1 cup mayo

1 pack taco seasoning

1 bunch green onions

2-3 medium tomatoes

1 (4oz) can black olives

2 cups shredded cheese

In a mixing bowl, combine bean dip, garlic salt, and hot sauce. Spread in a dish. Combine salt, pepper, sour cream, mayo, and taco seasoning. Spread over bean dip. Layer chopped onions, tomatoes, olives, and cheese. Chill.

Here's all of the entries before the judging.

And here's the winners!

Look who got 3rd place (and 25 bucks!), woohoo!

There was also a new contest this year...tablescapes! The rules said to pick a commodity and decorate a 3 foot table space. Obviously I chose cotton!

I had a 100% cotton table cloth and a cotton pick sack (Lance got it as a wedding present!) as the base.

I used our John Deere Fine China!

The cotton stalk "bouquet" is some of the cotton that we used at our wedding reception! I put the cotton in a John Deere milk can, and put that on our John Deere lazy susan. Also on the lazy susan are two of Lance's toy cotton pickers and a cotton boll lapel pin and tie tac. I filled a John Deere lunch box full of cotton bolls and put a picture of one of our cotton fields behind it!

On this side of the table are 2 mini bales of cotton and a Cotton Incorporated car tag.

Booyah! Look who won again!

Ok, maybe I should mention that I was the only one in the county who knew what a tablescape was, so I won by default. I still got that $50 prize money though!


  1. You would have won the tablescape even if somebody else had participated! TOOO CUTE! That bean dip looks delicious, too!


    Robin :o)

  2. That's so terrific!!! Congratulations on your double win. I'm laughing at the idea that you were the only one to know what a tablescape was. It doesn't matter because yours would have won no matter what. It's really beautiful. You know I love the John Deere stuff. HA.

    Let me tell you about the cotton pick sack - my mom dragged one behind her, picking cotton for a day on my uncle's farm in the Florida panhandle. He had challenged her as a "city gal" to pick alongside family members. She rose to the challenge but said it was the hardest days work she ever did.

    - Suzanne

  3. YAAAY! Congrats on the wins! Your tablescape was darling and you definintely deserved the win, regardless of the confusion by the other entrants!!

  4. That was a fun table! Can you come here and do that for my son's birthday...he is in LOVE with John Deere!

  5. Congrats on both of your wins and that table is just too darn cute!! I love it!

  6. YAY! The dip looks YUMMY and the table is TOO cute!
